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Board Trainng


A knowledgeable and cohesive Charter School Board is a critical element for a school to be successful.  A Board is more than a body of advisors, it is the body of accountability for the school to the authorizer, the stakeholders, the education system and the public.  It is the Board who holds the charter and has accepted the responsibility to see it is fulfilled to the fullest extent possible.  Ultimately the Board is accountable in all areas of the school.


More Than A One-Time Event

To become a knowledge and cohesive Board, training in the areas of fiscal management, Freedom of Information Act requirements (Charter School Boards are public entities), state charter school law and regulations, strategic planning and basic governance versus operations is essential.  Training should be more than a one-time event.  As governance is a process so is the training that helps a board evolve into a successful governing body. In other words it’s not a one and done scenario, it’s about the relationship between the Board and the trainer, just as running the school is about the relationship between the Board and Head of School. 


The Trainer is Important

In order to be useful to the Charter School Board the trainer must completely understand charter schools from beginning to end and the systems in which they exist. Does the school have an EMO/CMO or is it independent? A trainer must be knowledgeable to not only the requirements of the charter but of the laws governing the school, the financial markets necessary to fund the school from state per pupil to facility funding.   All of these areas effect the make-up of the training.  One training does not fit all Boards.


What's Required

The SC Charter School Law requires all newly-elected or appointed board members to be trained at no charge to the school.  The Public Charter School Alliance of South Carolina offers a free webinar that complies with state law. 


What's Best Practice

If you want to be a successful Charter School Board, a free webinar isn't going to get you there.

I can offer your school training in these increments.

  • New board members training free (in person not on-line) with one of the following:

    • Three sessions, two hours per session or

    • One all-day training, six hours or

    • Two half day trainings, three hours each


In preparation for the training I will review the charter, the last three meeting agendas and minutes, attend via phone or in person one meeting, and have a conference call with the Chairperson of the Board and the Head of School to discuss specifics each wants covered in the training.  If 25 miles outside of downtown Columbia travel will be an extra cost.


Board Policy Review

When is the last time the Board reviewed its Board and School Policies?  Are they compliance with current state law?  A review by an outside source is always a good idea every few years. 



Please contact me directly to discuss a price.





Helpful Resource for Board Training:


National Charter School Resource Center





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© 2015 by

Traci Bryant-Riches

Pictures taken by Christina Sims


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